November 6th

It’s November and the world outside is beautiful with the colors of Fall. It is a time and season when we are reminded to be thankful, and we do indeed have a lot to be thankful for. I encourage you to think about the things you are thankful for and talk about them as a family. I am thankful for the material blessings God has given me, my job, my family, my health, and so much more. Everything we list that we are thankful for is a gift from God and not just a gift but a responsibility. Psalm 24 reminds us that everything belongs to God; we are stewards of the gifts and blessings He gives us. To be good stewards, we must have love.…

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October 26th

"CLING TO THE CROSS", as based upon Psalm 118 verse 14, was the theme of our teachers conference in Des Moines: “The Lord is my strength and my song; He has become my salvation.” This was quoted from the victory song at the Red Sea found in Exodus 15 verse 2a. This was the spiritual focus of the Iowa District East/West Teacher’s Conference last Thursday as Lutheran school teachers from across the state came together to grow in God’s Word and in quality Christ-centered education. Psalm 118 was Martin Luther’s “own beloved psalm. Although the entire Psalter and all of Holy Scripture are dear to me as my only comfort and source of life, I fell in love with this psalm especially. Therefore I call it…

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October 11th

The theme of Valley Lutheran School’s capital campaign to cover the cost of our current renovations and further plans to finish 4 additional classrooms, complete the administrative offices, and more during the Summer of 2025. We already know we will be in need of additional classroom space next fall. God is doing exciting things at Valley. This theme is based upon Psalm 145 verse 4 written by King David. He praises God for His mighty acts and understands the importance of sharing this from generation to generation. Debbie, my wife, and I were blessed to have the opportunity to send all three of our children through high school to Lutheran Christ-Centered Schools. We understood our calling as parents to pass on the faith. With both of…

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October 10th

Dear Valley Lutheran School Families and Friends: “One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.” (Psalm 145:4) This is the basis of our GROWING GENERATIONS logo that represents Valley’s calling from God to growing generations when the school opened with high school in 2003, our calling to grow generations today Kindergarten through Grade 12, and our vision to continue growing generations for many years to come. Psalm 145 is King David’s song of praise. In this Hebrew poetic acrostic, King David is paying homage to his King, the One and Only true God. He acknowledges and praises God for His “mighty acts” and shares that what God has done is to be told by parents to their children, passed down…

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October 4th

Did you know that October is Pastor Appreciation Month? Did you know that the second Sunday in October (13th) is designated as Pastor Appreciation Day? October was designated in 1992 as a day to recognize and show appreciation for the work of pastors, missionaries, and other religious workers. The Apostle Paul shares in his letter to Timothy “Let the elders who rule well be considered worthy of double honor, especially those who labor in preaching and teaching.” (1 Timothy 5:17 ESV). Valley Lutheran School is blessed with three pastors who serve us faithfully as our Valley Lutheran School Chaplains. They are Pastor Kevin Richter (St. John Lutheran, Reinbeck), Pastor Gerald Kapanka (Immanuel Lutheran, Cedar Falls), and Pastor Steve Klawonn (Prince of Peace Lutheran, Evansdale). Pastor…

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September 26th

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” 1 Thessalonians 5:9 Did you see the people standing in a circle around the Valley flag poles this morning? This was the result of Valley’s High School Student Council leading our participation in the “See You at the Pole” event. This year’s attendance was larger than last year. Praise God! I was so impressed by the young men and women who led us in prayer. They even gave the participants an opportunity to pray out loud before we closed the prayer event with The Lord’s Prayer as Jesus taught us. As believers, God has given us the gift of prayer. It is an opportunity for…

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September 20th

One of my favorite Scripture verses is from Psalm 118 verse 24. “This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” I have always felt that each and every day is a gift from God. I thank Him for the opportunities He gives me daily to share His love with students, families, and staff. I thank Him for the blessing of living life with a loving family and the many blessings He gives me each day. In the Winter of 2022, I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. Having had loved ones touched with cancer and then loosing their battles with it, hearing the “C” word was not easy. I was told that my type of cancer was…

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September 13th

As I reflect upon the first three weeks of school, I cannot help but feel blessed to be a part of Valley Lutheran School’s ministry. The halls are alive with the smiling faces and joyful voices of our 176 students which is an amazing 20% growth in enrollment. Did you know that 47 of our students and their families are new to Valley? God is working amazing things at Valley and God is shining brightly in and through our students. Our ministry theme this school year is “Jesus is Our Light” as based upon John 8:12: “And Jesus spoke to them, saying, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” This…

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