Crusader Care

Need wrap-around care for your elementary-age student? You’ll find it at Valley with our Crusader Care before and after school program! And the best part about it? No need to make a commitment for how often you’ll use it!
Hours of Operation:
Morning hours are 6:30 to 7:45 am daily at which point children will be dismissed to their classroom. Any elementary students dropped of prior to 7:45 am must be in Before School Care.
Afternoon hours begin at the end of the school day, 3:30 until 6:00 pm. On Wednesdays, due to early dismissal, Crusader Care begins at 2:30 pm.
Crusader Care is available on days school is in session. At this time, we are unable to offer care on days school is not in session.
Each family should register prior to the start of school or upon enrollment by contacting the office. A yearly non-refundable registration fee of $10 will be charged to your FACTS account at the time of registration. This is a per family fee.
The fees for Crusader Care are as follows:
- $4.50/hour per child
- Minimum charge is for one half hour, even if picked up five minutes after dismissal or dropped off 1 minute prior to 7:45 am.
Billing will occur weekly through FACTS, our online payment management system.