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Middle School

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During these years of immense physical and emotional growth, our team of dedicated teachers will walk alongside your student to shepherd them through.  Our team will strive to equip your student with the study skills, knowledge base, and faith needed to make a successful transition into high school. 

These years are made unique at Valley through a Christ-centered core curriculum plus opportunities to explore athletics, drama, robotics, and Christian service. Your student will leave their middle school years knowing that they are a unique individual loved by God with a plan and a purpose for their life.  

Find out more about how Valley’s staff will walk beside your family during these early teen years, schedule an Educational Success Consultation today!

The mission of Valley Lutheran School is to be More Than A School!

Valley Lutheran School, grounded in His truth and grace, prepares, trains, and teaches our students and families to serve and live for Christ.

“All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be competent, equipped for every good work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Get in Touch
4520 Rownd StreetCedar Falls, IA 50613
(319) 266-4565
Fax: 319-266-4054

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