One of my favorite Scripture verses is from Psalm 118 verse 24. “This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.” I have always felt that each and every day is a gift from God. I thank Him for the opportunities He gives me daily to share His love with students, families, and staff. I thank Him for the blessing of living life with a loving family and the many blessings He gives me each day. In the Winter of 2022, I was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. Having had loved ones touched with cancer and then loosing their battles with it, hearing the “C” word was not easy. I was told that my type of cancer was aggressive and that spring I underwent surgery to remove my prostate and thus the cancer. Today, although I deal with some of the results of such a surgery, I remain cancer free. I praise God for His mercy and healing. It also helps me to more fully appreciate the blessing of each day that He gives me on this earth to do His will and to share His love with others. I pray that God’s love touches you in a way that helps you appreciate each and every day as His gift. A gift to love our families. A gift of time to make a difference within our vocations. A gift to grow in God’s Word and to more fully know what it means to be a survivor of SIN all because of God’s incredible grace and His Son, Jesus, who lived, died, and rose again for the forgiveness of my sins.

God bless your day and rejoice…it is the gift of God. Rev. Henry G. Pahlkotter, II